Manuscript preparation guidelines


General Rules for Drawing Up the Text
The editorial board accepts for consideration articles prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows text editor. Electronic file type - RTF, DOC, DOCX. The optimal volume of a manuscript is 10-14 A4 pages. The font of the main text is Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, colour - black, one-and-a-half spacing, full justification. There is no paragraph spacing. The indent of the first line of the paragraph is 10 mm. Headings have a different style. The symbols of the Greek and Russian alphabets should be typed straight, not in bold; Latin – in italic, not in bold; designation of vectors and matrices - straight, in bold; numbers - straight, not in bold. The names of chemical elements should be typed straight, not in bold. The same refers to figures. Special characters are allowed to be inserted into the text (using Symbol fonts).

Preparing the Text of the Manuscript
The 1st page contains the UDC (code book), the code and the name of the scientific special field of the submitted article (indicated in strict accordance with the special fields of the scientific publication), the type of article (original article, review, clinical case). The title of the article, full names of all authors, the full official name of the institution and the address of the place of work / study of the authors must be written in two languages - Russian and English.
Articles of the "original research" type should contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion / Conclusions, References (in Russian and English). Articles of a different type may have a different structure.

Title of the Manuscript
The title should be as clear and informative as possible, reflect the main aim of the study. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided. In most cases, the name is limited to 150 characters with spaces.

The abstract is a source of information about the content of the article and the results presented in it. It should make it possible to determine the relevance of the document and decide whether it is advisable to refer to the full text, and it is also used to search for a document in information systems. For articles of the "original research" type, the abstract should be clearly structured and contain the following sections: Relevance and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions. The volume of the abstract is from 100 to 250 words. The text should be concise and clear, free from non-essential information, have convincing wording.

Download a sample abstract

Key words
Keywords should reflect the information presented in the article and ensure effective recognition of the subject by search engines.
The number of keywords is 5-10. It is advisable to use commonly accepted terms as reflected in controlled dictionaries.

Conflict of Interest
In this section, it is necessary to indicate any financial relationship that can lead to a conflict of interest in connection with the material presented in the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, then it should be written "The authors declare no conflict of interest."
This section also indicates, if applicable, the commercial interest of individuals and / or legal entities in the results of the work, and if there are descriptions of objects of patent or any other type of rights (except for copyright) in the manuscript.

The data are provided in a concise form with a reference to the full name of the foundation / grant, indicating the assigned number.

This section is optional, but desirable if applicable. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship must be listed in the Acknowledgements section.

It is necessary to describe the relevance and degree of development of the problem under study. At the end of the section, it is necessary to formulate the main aim of the publication (for articles of the "original research" type).

Materials and Methods
It is necessary to provide sufficient information on the organization of the study, the object of the study, the sample under study, inclusion / exclusion criteria, methods of research and data processing.
It is required to describe in detail the equipment and diagnostic technique used, the names of the kits for hormonal and biochemical studies, indicating the normal values for individual indicators. When using generally accepted research methods, appropriate literary references should be provided; the exact international names of all drugs and chemicals used, doses and methods of their administration (administration routes) should be indicated.
In addition, the authors must provide details of the experimental work on animals for the possibility of an expert assessment of both the results and the form of its implementation.
Statistical methods should be described in detail. The description of the statistical analysis procedure is an integral component of the Materials and Methods section. It is necessary to provide a complete list of all the applied statistical methods of analysis and criteria for testing hypotheses. Phrases like “standard statistical methods were used” without their specific indication are unacceptable. The critical level of P-value adopted in this study must be indicated. Non-specific use of terms with several meanings should be avoided (for example, there are several variants of the correlation coefficient: Pearson, Spearman, etc.). If the data analysis was carried out using a statistical software package, it is necessary to indicate the name of this package and its version.

This section states the results obtained, supported by illustrative material (tables, figures). It is necessary to avoid repetition of all data from tables or figures in the text. It is required to highlight or summarize only important observations. Expression of the author's opinion, interpretation of the results obtained are not allowed in this section, as well as references to the works of other authors' groups.

This section should not duplicate the provisions given in the Results section. Data or other material already presented in the Introduction or Results sections shouldn’t be repeated in detail. Here it is possible to discuss the application of the results obtained, including in further research, as well as their limitations.
It is possible to compare the results obtained with other studies in this area. References to the work of other authors and valid recommendations are allowed.

This section can be written in the form of a general conclusion or contain specific numbered conclusions - depending on the specifics of the article.

The list of references should be presented in Russian and English and include from 10 to 20 sources for original articles, from 50 to 60 - for reviews.
The editorial board recommends the authors to refer primarily to the original sources from scientific journals included in the global citation indices.
References to manuscripts accepted for publication, but not yet published, as well as to works of many years ago (> 10 years), with the exception of rare highly informative works, are inadmissible. Normative legal documents, GOSTs, statistical materials are not included in the list of references, but are referred to in the text of the article or drawn up as a footnote. The numbering of sources in the list should correspond to the order of references to them in the text. Source numbers are indicated in square brackets.
The list of references in Russian is drawn up in strict accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and drawing up rules".
The Vancouver style is adopted for drawing up References.

Design Examples References

Articles in scientific journals
Sannikova E.G., Kompantseva E.V., Popova O.I., Ayrapetova A.Yu. Determination of pigments in Salixtriandra L. raw by thin-layer chromatography and spectrophotometers. Khimiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya = Chemistry of plant raw materials. 2019;2:119–127. doi:10.14258/jcprm.2019024077 (In Russ.)

Kosolapov D.A. Afilloforoidnye griby srednetaezhnykh lesov Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka Rossii = Aphyllophoroid fungi of the middle taiga forests of the European North-East of Russia. Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN, 2008:231. (In Russ.)

Abstract of the dissertation
Myachina O.A. Fauna and biological and ecological features of ciliated ciliates of some water bodies in the southern forest-steppe of Omsk region. PhD abstract* Omsk, 2010:18. (In Russ.)

*For a doctoral dissertation: DSc abstract.

Bykova S.V. Fauna and ecology of ciliates of small reservoirs of Samarskaya Luka and Saratov reservoir. PhD dissertation** 2005:207. (In Russ.)

**For a doctoral dissertation: DSc dissertation.

Conference materials
Il'yasov R.A., Poskryakov A.V., Petukhov A.V., Nikolenko A.G. Dark forest bee Apis mellifera mellifera of the Urals and Volga region. Sovremennye problemy pchelovodstva i puti ikh resheniya: sb. nauch. tr. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. = Contemporary issues of beekeeping and ways to solve them: proceedings of International scientific and practical conference. Moscow, 2016:95–103. (In Russ.)

Graphic Material
Figures should be placed in the text of the article immediately after the reference to them. In addition, they must be presented as separate files (raster image formats - TIFF, JPG, PNG with a resolution of 600 dpi, vector drawings format - Corel Draw with a minimum line width of 0.75 pt). They must be editable and resizable.
Figures must be accompanied by captions. The font of the figure captions is Times New Roman, size 12 pt.
Figures can be presented in different colours: black and white, shades of grey, coloured. Coloured figures will remain in colour only in the electronic version of the journal; in the printed version of the journal they will be published in shades of grey. Microphotographs must have internal scale marks.
Symbols, arrows or letters used in microphotographs should be made in contrast to the background and grouped with the figure.
If photographs of people are used, then these people must not be recognizable or such photos must be accompanied by a written permission for their publication. The editorial board reserves the right to refuse to publish non-standard quality figures in the text of the article.
Figures should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.
Diverse illustrations must be brought to a single style of graphic performance, observing the uniformity of their design.
Formulae in the text of the article are typed only in the Microsoft Word Equation or MathType formula editor.

Tables should be placed in the text of the article immediately after the reference to them and additionally presented as separate editable files. Tables should have a title and clearly labeled headings that are easy to read. Photo tables are not accepted. Font of the text of tables and headings - Times New Roman, size 12 pt, colour - black, single spacing.
Tables should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. All clarifications should be placed in notes (footnotes), and not in the title of the table.

Units of Measurement and Abbreviations
Units of measurement are in SI system and Celsius scale. Abbreviations of individual words, terms, except for the generally accepted ones, are not allowed. All introduced abbreviations are deciphered in full at the first mention in the text of the article, followed by the abbreviation in brackets. You should not use abbreviations in the title of the article and in the abstract. 

Дата создания: 03.10.2013 09:03
Дата обновления: 30.08.2022 15:57